Remeron (Mirtazapine) Addiction Treatment in New Hampshire
If you or someone you know is suffering from Remeron addiction in the New Hampshire area, don’t hesitate to contact Live Free Recovery.
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Remeron addiction is gradually gaining prevalence in New Hampshire, as well as other regions in the country. Despite not formally being identified as a controlled substance in the U.S., the drug still has addictive properties.
Continued usage of Remeron can lead to physical dependence. Consequently, when patients stop the medication, they begin to feel irritable withdrawal symptoms that lead them to take more of the drug.
Read on as we discuss the addiction potential of Remeron, its general uses, how it works, and its dangerous effects.
What Is Remeron and What Is It Used for?
Remeron, also pharmaceutically categorized as mirtazapine, is an antidepressant medication. It’s used to treat several mental illnesses, including depression, anxiety, nervousness, and post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD). The antidepressant is also used for physical ailments like nausea.
It’s classified under Tetracyclic Antidepressants (TeCAs). TeCAs have gradually been prescribed less by medical professionals due to the development of better drugs to treat depression.
Nowadays, Remeron isn’t the first medicine choice to manage depressive episodes because of its dangerous side effects. Instead, specialists prefer to prescribe the medication as an adjunct therapeutic for serious treatment-resistant mental illnesses.
How Does Remeron Work?
The drug works by modifying the neurotransmitter levels present in your brain. It attempts to balance the central nervous system’s chemical composition.
Remeron does so by increasing serotonin and noradrenaline activity. Serotonin is essential to your body’s function because it carries messages between your brain’s nerve cells and your body. Overall, it’s responsible for regulating your learning, happiness, memory, and sleep activities.

As for noradrenaline, this neurotransmitter plays a key role in managing your stress reactions and cognitive function. It’s composed of dopamine and nerve cells originating from your spinal cord and brainstem area.
The neurotransmitter heavily influences your sleep-wake cycle, memory, mood, alertness, arousal, and attention.
What Are the Effects of Remeron?
When prescribed correctly, Remeron helps improve a patient’s mood, appetite, and sleep cycle. It can also decrease their feelings of depression, anxiety, and nervousness. Nonetheless, the drug can produce undesirable side effects, such as the following:
- Body aches
- Drowsiness
- Diarrhea
- Difficulty concentrating
- Constipation
- Abdominal pain
- Weight gain
- Dry mouth
Remeron can cause other more serious side effects, especially when abused. These dangerous effects can include:
- Fainting
- Eye swelling
- Blurred vision
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Difficulty breathing
Signs of Remeron Overdose
Patients suffering from depressive episodes and suicidal thoughts may become more prone to overdosing on Remeron. Nevertheless, the antidepressant is generally safe in this regard. Subsequently, taking more than the prescribed amount will not be fatal, in most cases.
For instance, two patients, in a suicide attempt, had taken 30 and 50 times the daily recommended intake. Both had made a full recovery with no harm. Aside from that, you’ll need to be aware of the signs of overdose to take necessary action. These signs can include:
- Low blood pressure
- Seizures
- Slurred speech
- Drowsiness
- Vomiting
- Chest pain
- Hallucinations
- Rapid heartbeats
The overdose signs may pose an even greater risk if the patient consumed other psychoactive drugs alongside mirtazapine. After noticing these symptoms, call the necessary emergency facilities immediately.
How Can Remeron Be Addictive?
Remeron can be an addictive drug. It may not cause a euphoric high similar to other abused drugs like benzos and cocaine, but it does have strong mood-boosting effects, leading to a physical dependence on the antidepressant. If someone abuses the drug and decides to stop using it, they’ll experience withdrawal symptoms.
In a study conducted on mice, researchers observed that higher concentrations of mirtazapine intake led to heightened drug-seeking behavior. Similarly, those suffering from Remeron addiction take higher doses of it to feel the effects faster.
Subsequently, they tend to build a tolerance to the drug. This leads to them feeling the need to take larger doses of the drug to experience the same mood boost during each intake. This tolerance can build up in a span of a few months only.
Besides tolerance, some individuals take Remeron to balance out the effects of euphoria-inducing drugs, like cocaine. This drug interaction can pose severe risks since each substance could boost the sedative properties of the other.
Signs of Remeron Addiction
If you suspect someone is suffering from Remeron addiction, you can observe multiple signs. Some may include a change in behavior, hygiene, or appearance.
Now, you could be experiencing a physical dependence on the antidepressant and need to know the signs to address your addiction. These can include:
- Feeling the need to take a higher dose to feel the same effects.
- Difficulty in stopping your dosage.
- Continuing dosage even after the prescribed period.
- Thinking about Remeron throughout most of your day.
- Lying to medical professionals about your symptoms to get more Remeron.
Who Is More Susceptible to Remeron Addiction?
Some groups are more susceptible to developing Remeron addiction than others. Those with a history of drug abuse, mental health issues, violence, trauma, and neglect are typically more likely to become dependent on the antidepressant.
Those with mental health disorders like anxiety, schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar disorder will primarily seek the drug’s mood-boosting effects. Nonetheless, once abused, the drug can cause an adverse reaction and lead to an increase in suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
Besides mental illnesses, if your family has a history of drug abuse, your genetic disposition may make you more prone to developing a Remeron addiction. This is only the case with parents, grandparents, and siblings.
Withdrawal Symptoms of Remeron
Since its development in 1996, researchers have been studying Remeron’s withdrawal effects on patients. In a test, a subject was given a 60 mg dose per day.
After one month of intake, researchers stopped administering the drug and the patient experienced symptoms like dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, and nausea. Withdrawal symptoms ceased two days after continuing the Remeron intake.
In another case, a patient with a history of drug abuse was given Remeron. Their withdrawal symptoms were more psychologically charged as they developed panic attacks. Shortly after retaking Remeron, the patient’s panic attacks stopped.
Overall Remeron withdrawal symptoms can typically include:
- Nausea
- Insomnia
- Dizziness
- Vomiting
- Irritability
- Restlessness
- Paresthesia
- Nightmares
How Long Does Remeron Withdrawal Last?
Remeron withdrawal can last anywhere between weeks and months, depending on each case’s severity. For this reason, attempting to withdraw mirtazapine without medical supervision can be exceptionally challenging.
There’s no exact timeline for Remeron withdrawal since some patients choose to go cold turkey or follow a tapering method. In addition, factors like your regular dosage and how long you’ve taken the drug can also influence your recovery journey.
Treatment Options for Remeron Addiction
Treating Remeron addiction is not a one-size-fits-all solution, as with any drug abuse treatment. Each person’s journey will be different. With Remeron addiction, here are the best treatment options you’ll want to consider.
Undergoing a detox program will clear your system of any traces of Remeron. During that initial phase, you’ll then start to experience withdrawal symptoms. Depending on each patient, medical professionals will prescribe certain medications to alleviate these symptoms or make them more bearable for the patient so they avoid further substance usage.
Detoxes can vary in length between seven and ten days, but that will depend on each patient’s case. While on this program, you can expect to be closely monitored and given effective support to stay on track.
Inpatient Treatment
Inpatient care involves staying in a facility and being given 24/7 supervision. This option is particularly suitable for those undergoing other substance addictions alongside Remeron. The controlled environment is also perfect if you’re suffering from co-occurring mental health conditions as well.
Outpatient Treatment
Outpatient treatment is much less restrictive than its inpatient counterpart. You will be staying in your home, but going to several individual and group counseling sessions. Patients usually attend a three-hour session for three to five days per week.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
During your therapy sessions, your assigned psychologist may implement CBT. This type of therapy allows you to change your way of thinking to enforce a more positive mindset. You’ll be breaking down your negative thoughts from their roots and finding ways to ingrain a more constructive thought pattern.
Once your treatment is complete, your assigned medical professional will likely provide you with a comprehensive, long-term aftercare plan to keep you on track.
The ongoing care can involve multiple methods, such as sober living, group counseling, support groups, and 12-step meetings. These treatments will require at least a one-year follow-up to ensure a stable recovery. This last step is necessary to prevent relapse.
To Conclude: Getting the Help You Need
Remeron addiction may not be as common as other, more serious substance addictions like benzodiazepine or heroin. Nevertheless, it still produces physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms, which are typical steps toward addiction.
In addition, several individuals suffering from addiction use Remeron alongside other drugs, causing dangerous interactions.
If you or someone you know is suffering from Remeron addiction in the New Hampshire area, don’t hesitate to contact Live Free Recovery. Our center will provide you with the necessary care requirements to ensure a safe recovery road ahead.
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