Kratom Addiction Treatment in New Hampshire

Fortunately, kratom addiction treatment is possible through detox, therapy, and rehabilitation. It’s a life-long journey, though.

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While kratom is an increasingly popular supplement that’s legal across the U.S., its use has been a subject of controversy, especially since long-term use of kratom can cause physical and psychological dependence.

Kratom produces a severe analgesic action, comparable to opioids. It also induces euphoria and sedation. As for the withdrawal effects, individuals struggling with kratom addiction will suffer from severe muscle pain and emotional turmoil.

In particular, people with a history of substance abuse might find quitting kratom incredibly hard.

Still, kratom addiction treatment is doable with the right help and resources. Most importantly, it’s essential to have a support system to alleviate the mental load.

Understanding Kratom Addiction

Kratom is an herbal plant hailing from Southeast Asia. It produces an analgesic effect, similar to opioids, as well as a stimulant effect.

The use of kratom for pain relief is legal in the U.S. and the herb is readily available through many agencies. However, it’s crucial to understand that the use of this substance isn’t approved by the FDA, nor are there any indicated medicinal uses for kratom.

People typically take kratom to manage other drug withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings. Yet, studies show that regular use of kratom causes severe to moderate dependence.

Kratom can be ingested by:

  • Ingesting the raw plant as a powder or in a capsule
  • Brewing kratom as a tea
  • Drinking liquid kratom extract
  • Mixing kratom supplements into food and drinks

Effect of Kratom on the Body

The main active constituent in kratom is mitragynine. This compound is an opioid-receptor agonist, particularly working on the Miu-receptors. It also affects serotonin and adrenergic receptors.

Accordingly, kratom produces a significant analgesic and sedative effect through its binding to the opioid and adrenergic receptors. Its affinity to the serotonergic receptors is also responsible for the euphoric activity of the drug.

Symptoms of Kratom Addiction

Whether you’re using kratom recreationally or to mitigate the symptoms of opioid withdrawal, it’s crucial to monitor your physical and psychological well-being while on the drug.

Assessing if you or a loved one has developed kratom dependence is tricky. The reason is that kratom doesn’t have a recognizable smell, nor are there any noticeable physical differences in people addicted to kratom, unlike other addictive drugs.

If you or a loved one is worried about kratom dependence, here are some behavioral symptoms of kratom abuse you need to be aware of:

  • Sudden change in behavioral patterns
  • Erratic attitude, such as being overly talkative, violent behavior, and neglecting responsibilities
  • Social reclusiveness as a method of abusing kratom
  • Increasing the dose of kratom, despite uncomfortable physical symptoms
  • Inability to stop using kratom

As for physical dependence, kratom causes the following symptoms:

  • Breathing difficulties
  • Constipation
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Profuse sweating
  • Shakiness
  • Weight loss
  • Flushed or darkened skin
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Hallucinations

Causes and Risk Factors of Kratom Addiction

Not everyone who uses kratom recreationally will develop an abuse problem. There’s a significant correlation between environmental stress and a family history of addiction and developing substance abuse issues.

The following are the risk factors that might make you or a loved one more prone to kratom abuse:

  • Family history of substance abuse
  • Personal history of substance abuse
  • Concurrent psychological conditions such as depression, anxiety, or personality disorders
  • Childhood neglect
  • Ease of access to kratom
  • Peer pressure and lack of awareness
  • Absence of social support systems

Prevalence of Kratom Addiction in New Hampshire

While kratom is a relatively new and understudied drug, its consumption and abuse are on the rise. Among the population of kratom users, about 25% might develop a kratom use disorder.

People with kratom addiction usually consume kratom more frequently than other kratom users, have a history of substance abuse, and have a diagnosis of mental health conditions.

Kratom use is legal in New Hampshire for people over the age of 18, except for the city of Franklin.

In New Hampshire, Kratom users report taking the drug to manage opioid withdrawal, alleviate pain, reduce drug cravings, and improve their mood.

Kratom Withdrawal Symptoms

Kratom withdrawal is incredibly difficult. Any long-term use of the drug can trigger these symptoms. However, the severity of the withdrawal symptoms depends on the longevity of kratom abuse, the mode of ingestion, and the dosage.

What’s more, people suffering from kratom addiction usually suffer from psychological conditions and lack the appropriate support, which heightens the emotional toll of kratom withdrawal.

In the first couple of days of withdrawal, people with kratom addiction might suffer from flu-like symptoms and drug cravings. The cravings intensify on days three to five, where the physical symptoms reach their peak.

After a week, the withdrawal side effects will begin to subside. By the second week, there’ll be a significant improvement in the overall well-being of patients. Still, many patients might have lingering depression and anxiety.

Common withdrawal symptoms of kratom include:

  • Intense cravings
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Restlessness
  • Muscle aches
  • Tremors
  • Sweating
  • Insomnia
  • Aggression

How Kratom Addiction Treatment Works

Kratom addiction treatment usually involves inpatient admission, but some people might go through detox at home. It involves numerous steps, including the following:


The first step in kratom addiction treatment is eliminating the drug from the body. Since kratom withdrawal is deeply uncomfortable, this needs to be done in a controlled environment and under medical supervision.

In contrast, going through kratom detox at home increases the risk of a relapse, as well as physical and psychological complications.

Detoxifying the body from kratom can either be through stopping the herb cold turkey or by tapering off its use. Medical professionals will determine the most appropriate detox method depending on your or your loved one’s condition.


Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) involves the use of certain medications to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms of addictive drugs.

Typically, these medications are approved for opioid use disorder. However, there have been reports of using pharmacological therapy, such as naltrexone or methadone, to manage the uncomfortable symptoms.


In addition to removing the drug from the body and eliminating the physical dependence, managing the emotional turmoils of addiction is essential.

That’s because the therapeutic environment of rehab offers a safe space where individuals can explore their issues. They can also gain valuable tools to handle emotional triggers and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Kratom Addiction Treatment Aftercare

You shouldn’t look at addiction as an isolated incident. Instead, it’s an ongoing battle, even after treatment.

People with a history of substance abuse are more likely to relapse or get introduced to other drugs and unhealthy coping mechanisms.

For this reason, consistent psychological care and maintaining a support system are cornerstones of kratom treatment. This involves the following:

Alumni Programs

Alumni programs help people struggling with various addiction issues maintain their sobriety. They offer ongoing assistance through peer support, education, and resources.

These programs give the person with kratom addiction access to numerous tools, aiding them with their ongoing battle.

The professional help found in these programs significantly eases people with addiction’s reintroduction into society and offers a chance for sober individuals to give back to the community.

Support Groups

Since people struggling with addiction require social support and empathy, group therapy is invaluable. Support groups involve people with similar addiction issues who gather and share their experiences and difficulties.

These non-judgmental groups are a perfect opportunity for individuals to freely express themselves and find comfort.


Oftentimes, kratom addiction and relapse are exacerbated by underlying mental conditions. Accordingly, understanding one’s psyche and triggers will significantly ease the treatment journey.

In addition, even if a patient has no psychological issues, going through addiction and treatment can be incredibly isolating and traumatic. So, therapy will help relieve the shame of addiction.

Lifestyle Modification

Sobriety is an ongoing journey. It’s important to realize that people who are struggling with addiction need to notably change their lifestyle, including removing risks, reversing toxic patterns, and even avoiding certain activities that might trigger a relapse.

Instead, sober individuals can fill their time with other activities, such as meditation, art, working out, and partaking in alumni programs.

Sober Homes

Lastly, sober homes are a safe way for individuals struggling with addiction to remain sober. These offer a safe and controlled living environment, free from triggers and risks.

Sober residences are particularly helpful for people with unreliable living situations or those who don’t have the proper support outside rehabilitation programs.


Kratom has similar, but less severe, physiological action as opioids. This has led many people to use the drug to mitigate opioid withdrawal symptoms. Unfortunately, using kratom for long periods is associated with dependence.

The drug induces an analgesic action, as well as a sensation of extreme happiness and euphoria. For this reason, people with secondary mental issues are at higher risk of developing kratom addiction, especially in the absence of the right support.

Fortunately, kratom addiction treatment is possible through detox, therapy, and rehabilitation. It’s a life-long journey, though.

People with kratom addiction need to maintain their sobriety by partaking in therapy, support groups, and lifestyle modifications. In some cases, they might benefit from sober living programs.