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What Is the Best Thing to Drink for Your Kidneys?

According to the National Kidney Foundation, more than 14% of people are suffering from chronic kidney disease. Moreover, the most common causes of CKD are diabetes and high blood pressure, which are diet-related.

Fortunately, it’s possible to manage the symptoms of CKD through your fluid intake. Healthy beverages can give you extra nutrition, reduce toxin buildup, and regulate blood pressure. Avoiding drinks like alcohol and others can also help with healing. Let’s explore the best drinks for your kidneys.

Kidney Failure Symptoms

Common symptoms of kidney failure include:

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet
  • Shortness of breath
  • Confusion or difficulty concentrating
  • Decreased urine output
  • Persistent nausea
  • Chest pain or pressure
  • Seizures or coma (in advanced stages)

If you experience these symptoms, consult a healthcare professional urgently for proper diagnosis and treatment.

The Importance of Kidney Health

Below are reasons why having healthy kidneys is vital for overall health:

  • Detoxification: The kidneys remove waste products. They prevent the build-up of toxins from your body and excrete them through urine.
  • Blood Pressure Regulation: Your kidneys can regulate blood pressure and prevent heart disease. They do this by controlling the balance of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium in the body.
  • Fluid Balance: The kidneys play a role in your body’s hydration. They control the amount of water your body excretes into urine.

Because of the role of our kidneys in the body, kidney damage leads to UTIs, heart disease, and fluid buildup. This highlights the need to care for your kidneys by exercising and hydrating.

12 of the Best Drinks for Kidney Health

Are you looking for the best drink for kidney problems? Here are beverages you can try to minimize your risk factors for kidney infection.

1. Cranberry Juice

Having unhealthy kidneys means you can’t process high potassium in your diet. For this reason, low-potassium cranberry juice is a top choice for people at risk of kidney failure.
Cranberry juice is rich in Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that lessens your risk of heart disease. Some studies also show that it can lower your risk of urinary tract infections. It does this by stopping bacteria from adhering to your bladder.

That said, you shouldn’t drink too much of it, or you may develop kidney stones. Drinking one cup a day is enough to get the full health benefits of cranberry juice.

2. Green Tea

Green tea is a safe, delicious, and calorie-free drink for healthy kidneys. Studies show that green tea leaves contain 1.6% to 3.61% of catechins. These are strong antioxidants that can prevent the formation of renal stones. Green tea also has epigallocatechin gallate, which decreases urinary oxalate secretion.

According to Healthline, drinking three cups of green tea daily can lower your blood pressure and risk of heart disease. On top of this, it can speed up your metabolism and help you control obesity.

3. Healthy Smoothies

Smoothies are a great way to get nutrition into your body. They’re easy to make and can become a quick snack for people with kidney disease.

To make a healthy smoothie, all you have to do is blend blueberries or strawberries with yogurt. These fruits are high in polyphenols, which have a protective effect on the kidneys. The polyphenols work by preventing mitochondrial damage and boosting your renal health.

Still, you should be careful not to add too much sugar to smoothies. Increased blood sugar levels may cause your blood vessels to become narrow and clogged. Instead, opt for artificial sweeteners like sucralose, which are safe for people with kidney damage.

4. Plain Water

Drinking enough water is the best way to help your kidneys flush toxins from your system. Water can keep your kidneys functioning well and allows your blood vessels to open up. It makes it easier for the body to process and distribute nutrients.

However, it’s possible to drink too much water if you’re in the late stages of kidney damage. This is because your kidneys may have trouble excreting the liquid. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to drink eight glasses of water a day. Those with kidney health issues should ask their healthcare provider for medical advice on drinking water.

5. Sparkling Water

If you love drinking soda, then sparkling water is a healthier alternative. Sparkling water has the same benefits as plain water but with added carbonation. You can get creative with sparkling water and flavor it as you wish. Try infusing it with citrus fruits or berries for a healthier twist!

6. Unsweetened Apple Juice

You can limit recurring brushite kidney stones with apple juice. But for people who have already had certain types of calcium kidney stones, drinking apple juice could increase the chance of developing future ones.

You can buy unsweetened apple juice from the store or create it yourself. It’s best to blend fresh apples and make an apple shake to get all its benefits. Apple peels have two to six times the antioxidant power, and the fruit itself is a good source of fiber. It can help you feel full for longer and control your blood sugar!

7. Citrus Juice

A similar study for citrus fruits found that orange juice plays a protective role against kidney stone formation. It worked by neutralizing the acidity in urine. Scientists also discovered that lemon juice, though not as effective, had the same effects as orange juice. Because of this, adding citrus juice to your diet can be beneficial if you have kidney stone disease.

8. Black Coffee

Here’s some good news for coffee lovers. Black coffee has various benefits for those with kidney health conditions. The caffeine in black coffee can boost energy levels and help you lose weight. It has polyphenols that lessen your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Of course, you should still drink coffee in moderation. One cup a day is enough since too much coffee can harm your blood pressure. In addition, you should avoid drinking coffee with milk and sugar. Creamers are high in potassium, which can damage your kidneys.

9. Açai Drinks

Açai berries are grape-like fruits from the rainforests of South America. They can prevent cell damage in the body because of their high antioxidant, polyphenol, and fiber content.

According to the National Kidney Foundation, açai berries are acceptable for people with chronic kidney disease. Studies also reveal that the fruit can help with oxidative stress, inflammation, and dysbiosis. You can find açai berries in juice form or powdered form. Mixing açai powder into smoothies is an easy way to add nutrients to your diet.

10. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is a healthy drink for most people with kidney disease because of its low sodium and high antioxidants. It has three times as many antioxidants as green tea and is effective against inflammation.

However, if you’re going through dialysis or a kidney transplant, you may need to limit how much pomegranate you drink. The reason for this is pomegranate juice’s high potassium content. An 8 oz cup can have 533 mg of potassium. Because of this, you’ll need a dietician to tell you the exact amount you can drink.

11. Red Grape Juice

Red grape juice is an excellent addition to your diet if you’re suffering from kidney disease. The fruit’s peel has flavonoids, vitamin C, and resveratrol, a compound that promotes heart health.

Studies show that red grape juice can decrease bad cholesterol in people undergoing hemodialysis. Additionally, grape seed powder improves renal failure in patients with chronic kidney disease.

To get the full benefits, you may blend the whole grape, including the seeds and peel. Avoid high-sugar grape juices from the supermarket. These can cause more harm to your body.

12. Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice is ideal for people with kidney disease because of its low potassium content. One cup only has 180 mg of potassium. Aside from this, pineapple is a rich source of vitamin A, fiber, and bromelain. Bromelain is an enzyme that can reduce inflammation.

Drinks to Avoid if You Have Kidney Disease

Below are harmful drinks for people with kidney disease.

  • Alcohol: Alcohol can disrupt your kidney’s control mechanisms. It can impair the way your body filters blood and cause liver damage.
  • Grapefruit Juice: Grapefruit has high potassium levels. People with kidney issues may not be able to process it well.
  • Sugary Carbonated Beverages: Drinks like sodas are high in sugar, phosphoric acid, and caffeine. They can increase your risk of kidney stones and diabetes.
  • Dairy: Milk is a natural source of potassium and phosphorus, which are troublesome for people with kidney problems.
  • Oat Milk: Like dairy, oat milk is high in potassium. Coconut milk is a better alternative for people with kidney problems because of its low potassium content.

Hydrate the Right Way to Avoid Kidney Disease

Even though there’s no cure for chronic kidney disease, you can manage the symptoms with your food and drink intake. Beverages like cranberry juice, green tea, and red grape juice all work well to reduce inflammation and boost your heart health. Plus, drinking water can help wash away toxins your body can’t process.

Consult your kidney dietician before trying a new drink, as the amount may vary depending on your condition. Don’t forget to exercise and eat a healthy diet to help overcome kidney problems. Avoid alcohol, dairy, and carbonated drinks, which can cause further damage to your kidneys and lead to kidney stones.