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Understanding Dysfunctional Roles in Families

Dysfunctional Family roles

Ideally, your family will love you for who you are and be there to build you up when you need help. However, there is no guarantee that your family is going to serve any type of meaningful role in your life. In fact, you may be part of a dysfunctional family unit that actively hinders […]

Who Is Not a Good Candidate for Ketamine Therapy?


Ketamine therapy can be an effective way to treat depression, anxiety or other similar conditions. However, it is not effective for everyone, and it is generally recommended that you pursue such treatment as a last resort. This is because there is a relative lack of research into the therapy as opposed to other conventional treatment […]

What is Aversion Therapy?

aversion therapy

Aversion therapy is a form of therapy in which the patient is exposed to an unpleasant stimulus under the control of a therapist. The therapist then reinforces aversion behavior. The stimulus can be food or another item that the person has displayed aggression towards, drinking alcohol, taking certain medication he/she is addicted to, physical activity […]