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Mexican Xanax Bars – What are they?

As the prescription drug abuse epidemic rages, one specific medication is all the rage. More and more people are encountering Mexican Xanax bars. These pills are a valid medication in Mexico, but they’re being shipped around the world for people to use recreationally. They can have some unexpected ingredients and are often quite dangerous. To learn all what Mexican Xanax bars are and what they contain, explore our guide.

What Are Mexican Xanax Bars?

Mexican Xanax bars are the street name for a specific type of benzodiazepine. As you might be able to tell from the name, these pills come from Mexico and have ingredients similar to Xanax. Their actual name is Farmapram, and they are a brand-name Mexican medication that contains alprazolam. Farmapram is often called a bar because it comes in long, oval tabs that can be broken into four sections.

Mexican Xanax Bars Vs. Xanax

Farmapram is fairly similar to Xanax. They both contain the same basic medication, alprazolam, and they’re prescribed for similar conditions. Doctors may recommend Farmapram or Xanax for patients dealing with panic disorders, depression, phobias, and anxiety disorders. Unlike Xanax, Farmapram is not clearly labeled. They come in strengths of 0.25 milligrams (mg), 0.50 mg, 1 mg, and 2 mg, but the pill does not always say which dosage it contains.

Farmapram Effects

For most people, alprazolam results in effects like relaxation, sedation, and drowsiness. It can also cause happiness, euphoria, and sensations of peace. Alongside these mental side effects, alprazolam may also cause dizziness, slowed breathing, fatigue, mood swings, memory problems, and an upset stomach. In rare cases, side effects of Farmapram can include skin rashes, seizures, liver problems, and mental confusion.

Are Mexican Xanax Bars Legal in the United States?

When it comes to international drugs, there are a lot of misconceptions. Some people think it’s illegal to own any medication not approved by the FDA, while others assume that any international medication is legal regardless of where it came from or how it’s used. The reality is somewhere in the middle. It is illegal for a doctor to prescribe Farmapram or for a medical manufacturer to import Farmapram. However, a private citizen is allowed to bring FDA-unapproved drugs into the United States as long as they have a prescription.

Keep in mind that Farmapram is only legal if you received a valid prescription in Mexico and processed it through the proper channels when crossing the border. Otherwise, you can face legal consequences for owning and using it. Alprazolam is a Schedule IV controlled substance, and possessing it without a prescription is illegal.

The majority of Mexican Xanax bars in the United States were not brought into the country legally. Instead, they are often distributed through the same networks that distribute heroin, cocaine, and other illegal drugs. Most people who purchase Mexican Xanax bars will do so through a drug dealer or other similar provider.

Risks and Dangers of Mexican Xanax Bars

One of the big reasons that Mexican Xanax bars are so popular is that people assume they’re safe. The idea of purchasing a legal, carefully controlled substance can be quite reassuring, but unfortunately, it’s inaccurate. When you’re using medication without the supervision of your doctor, there is no guarantee of safety. Mexican Xanax bars can come with the following risks.

Incorrect Dosing

Compared to regular Xanax, the big risk of using Mexican Xanax bars is the difficulty of dosing them. Since they don’t state how much alprazolam is in each pill, a 0.25 mg and a 2 mg pill are very easy to mix up. These differences in dosing make overdosing a lot easier, and unfortunately, alprazolam is one of the most toxic benzodiazepines. People who intend to take a small amount can easily take enough to encounter fatal symptoms like seizures, abnormal heart rhythms, and difficulty breathing.

Product Contamination

When you’re buying prescription pills on the street, it’s impossible to know where they came from or how they were stored. Often, Farmapram is jumbled together with other powdered substances that can cling to the surface. There have been some reports of prescription pills like Farmapram ending up with a light dusting of fentanyl that can be deadly. Improper storage can also lead to a variety of other contamination issues like mold or bacterial overgrowths.

Misleading Labels

Unless you’re buying Mexican Xanax bars straight from a pharmacy, there’s no guarantee that what you are buying is actually Farmapram. Many drug manufacturers are aware of the positive reputation of Mexican Xanax bars, and it’s very easy to use a mold to press random powders into the simple Farmapram shape. Research from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) suggests that about a third of the Mexican prescription pills sold in the United States are counterfeits. These often contain deadly fentanyl or other random substances, so it’s very easy to overdose.

Law Enforcement Reports Rise in Mexican Xanax Bars

Despite these dangers, Mexican Xanax bars are on the rise. According to the DEA, Mexico is one of the leading providers of illegal prescription drugs in the United States. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection has seized massive shipments of Farmapram lately, and more and more law enforcement officers are on the lookout for dealers selling Mexican Xanax bars. In just a few years, this substance has gone from an unknown and uncommon medication to a popular street drug.

As Mexican Xanax bars become more available, there have been more and more reports of people misusing them. Research shows that after the COVID pandemic, the usage of benzodiazepines like Farmapram is becoming much more common. Unfortunately, many of these new Farmapram users have not been able to use the medication safely. The number of overdoses associated with benzodiazepines has also started to rise.

Protect Yourself From the Dangers of Mexican Xanax Bars

If you or a loved one is regularly using benzodiazepines like Mexican Xanax bars, it’s important to seek help. Those who use Mexican Xanax bars recreationally or without medical supervision can risk a variety of problems, and addiction can destroy your health and lifestyle. Follow these tips to stay safe.

Test Your Mexican Xanax Bars Before Use

If you are not at a point where you are willing to quit using benzodiazepines, it’s important to practice harm reduction. Always use a fentanyl test kit before taking a Mexican Xanax bar. This simple test can be a quick way to detect the deadly fentanyl that contaminates so many Farmapram tablets.

Keep Narcan on Hand

Because the danger of fentanyl consumption is so high, public healthcare officials recommend that people with substance use problems always have Narcan available. This over-the-counter medication contains a substance called naloxone that can instantly reverse opioid overdoses. Much like a person with an allergy should carry an EpiPen, Mexican Xanax users need to have naloxone within easy reach.

Detox Under Medical Supervision

Benzodiazepines like Farmapram are one of the most dangerous types of drugs to be addicted to. When you go into withdrawal, you can face potentially deadly symptoms like seizures and heart attacks. Therefore, medical professionals emphasize people should never go “cold turkey” and quit taking benzodiazepines suddenly. Instead, you need to slowly taper down usage. The safest way to do so is in a supervised detox program. They can give you the right medications and make sure you stay safe while you get clean.

Seek Substance Abuse Treatment

The only true guarantee of safety is to stop using Mexican Xanax bars altogether. Unfortunately, if you are physically or mentally dependent on Farmapram, quitting can be hard. This is where rehab centers are useful. They can provide medication, therapy, and other treatments that make it easier to avoid drug usage. You can learn how to control addiction triggers and work on rebuilding your life. Rehab comes in many shapes and sizes, so it’s easy to find a program that suits your individual needs.

If you’re looking for a benzodiazepine treatment center, turn to LiveFree Recovery Services. Our addiction treatment center provides evidence-based treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. We have several locations throughout New Hampshire and provide a variety of inpatient and outpatient treatment programs. To get started on the path to recovery, call us today.

