Benzo Addiction Treatment in New Hampshire

Benzodiazepines are prescribed medications that have been utilized for more than 50 years.

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What Are Benzodiazepines?

Benzodiazepines are prescribed medications that have been utilized for more than 50 years. They are a class of central nervous system (CNS) depressant drugs prescribed to treat an array of conditions. Benzodiazepines are relatively safe when used short-term and as directed by a doctor. However, long-term use of benzodiazepine abuse can lead to drug addiction. According to an analysis that was published in Addiction, researchers have been more concerned about the link between addiction and drugs during that time. The researchers were so concerned that they wrote up more than 60,000 articles using words such as abuse and benzodiazepine dependence. 

Regardless of the dangers associated with these kinds of drugs, the understanding of it all hasn’t fully transitioned into more mainstream consciousness. As a matter of fact, the majority of individuals who take benzodiazepines are generally assisting with a medical condition. Thousands more individuals use these types of drugs recreationally and most likely won’t have a full idea of how the drugs work and why they could lead to addiction. 

prescription drug addiction treatment

Different Types of Benzodiazepines 

Xanax (Alprazolam) 

This drug is utilized to treat panic disorders and anxiety. It comes in numerous varying strengths. One specific formulation is of extensive concern, as it is made to release the benzodiazepine effects over a more extended period. 

The users who crush the pills can get all of the power Xanax offers in one sitting. According to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), Xanax does work immediately, delivering huge changes at once. Due to that reason, this makes Xanax more dangerous than various other benzos on the market.

Valium (Diazepam)

Muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal symptoms, and anxiety disorders can all be thoroughly treated with Valium. This drug is considered to be one of the oldest benzodiazepines that are on the market today. Valium, which has numerous generic formulations, tends to come in a variety of different strengths, including a few that release their power over a lengthened period. 

According to the EMCDDA, there is good news. Valium happens to take a long time to fully hit the body. In other words, the drug does not provide an instant high. It tends to come on to a person slowly, and it’s slightly less rewarding as a result.

Klonopin (Clonazepam)

Panic disorders and seizure disorders are often treated with Klonopin. The pills generally come in 1 mg or 2 mg strengths. Some pills are made to disintegrate or dissolve in the mouth. According to EMCDDA, Klonopin is considered to be an intermediate-acting benzo. 

Ambien (Zolpidem) 

This hypnotic drug is created to assist individuals who aren’t able to sleep throughout the entire night. The overall sedating impact of the drug allows individuals to fall asleep, while the other ingredients help individuals forget what happened while they were asleep. This medication has a rapid onset, but it isn’t always considered a target of abuse. Some individuals become so sleepy on this particular drug that they aren’t able to stay awake long enough to be able to take another hit of it. 

Ativan (Lorazepam)

Ativan is designed to assist individuals with panic disorders. It does come in pill formats, but it is also able to be sold in liquid formats that can be popped into an individual’s veins with a needle. EMCDDA stated that this specific drug has a short-to-intermediate onset, which means that it has the potential to deliver a rewarding and huge drug rush in some individuals.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Benzo Abuse and Addiction?

Misuse of benzodiazepines can lead to addiction or substance use disorder. The signs and symptoms of benzo abuse and addiction are the following:

Physical Abuse Symptoms

  • Impaired coordination
  • Slowed heart rate
  • Shallow breathing 
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Lightheadnesses
  • Slower reflexes
  • Blurred vision 
  • Slurred speech
  • Pale, cold skin 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Vomiting 
  • Fainting 
  • Seizures 
  • Tremors

Behavioral Symptoms

When individuals struggle with needing benzo addiction treatment, they may struggle in various other aspects of their lives. As a side effect. they might end up cutting off interaction with family and friends to avoid judgment for engaging in Benzo use. These individuals might struggle financially as they either spend all of their money obtaining more of the substance or miss work to consume more of the drug.

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Psychological Abuse Symptoms

  • Disturbing or vivid dreams
  • Cognitive dysfunction 
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Mood swings 
  • Depression 
  • Irritability
  • Amnesia

It can be confusing to determine whether or not a loved one needs Benzo addiction treatment in New Hampshire. However, the variety of the above-mentioned signs can help reveal if a person is misusing benzodiazepines. It’s pivotal to notice the signs and symptoms of benzo abuse before it leads to death.

What Are the Effects That Benzos Have on the Body?

There are several effects that benzo has on an individual’s body. The National Institute on Drug Abuse stated that benzodiazepines can cause a slight shift in the chemical signals that a person’s brain utilizes to communicate an enjoyable event.

Once the shift begins to fully take hold, individuals experience a boost of sensation that is connected with joy, security, and reward. Even though they might not be able to name the exact change, the brain marks it. 

When it comes to specific addictions, benzodiazepines are considered life-threatening because they can cause brain chemical changes that are persistent when taken in high doses. In time, the modified brain cells might not exactly be able to function properly at a favorable level without access to benzodiazepines. Brain cells will end up calling out for the drug, and that particular call will be difficult to ignore. 

Benzo Abuse

Even though benzodiazepines were originally developed to assist individuals with real physical or mental health concerns, patients who abuse these particular drugs aren’t doing so to make their lives more suitable. Instead, they are driven to engage in drug use because of the chemical changes that are deep inside their brains. When this matter occurs, individuals fall into two groups: those without prescriptions and those with prescriptions. 

Benzo Addicts With Prescriptions

Addiction is hardly a result of proper drug use, according to an analysis in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. When individuals have prescriptions, and they diligently follow their doctor’s orders to the letter, they generally don’t emerge from the addiction experiences. However, some individuals do not follow their doctor’s orders. 

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These individuals might take doses that are too close to each other, or they might even take higher doses that are too large. They might take medications that are no longer needed, or they might begin to hoard pills so they can take them on what’s considered a “bad day.” Researchers say this might be a small group of individuals who engage in drug use, but the actual impact of their overall habits can be massive. 

Benzo Addicts Without Prescriptions

The other type of user is considered to be recreational users. They don’t have specific orders to follow or prescriptions from their doctors. These types of individuals retrieve the drugs where and when they can, and they abuse the drugs for relaxation or euphoric purposes. They might also engage in benzodiazepine use to soften the drug-using experience or boost it. 

An analysis of statistics from New York from the (SAMHSA) or Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration suggested that non-medical benzodiazepine users are between the ages of 18-25. That specific group of individuals has the highest level of engaging in recreational benzo use. 

The level increases every year. The young adults may obtain benzos from theft or from purchasing them directly through dealers. Either option is feasible. 

Benzo Detox 

The benzo detoxification process begins after the treatment team of an accredited rehab facility determines the severity of benzo addiction, along with that of any underlying co-occurring disorders. Detox processes typically include extremely uncomfortable symptoms depending on the benzo that is being withdrawn. However, a medical professional can prescribe medication in an attempt to ease any discomfort from benzodiazepine withdrawal and cravings. 

Benzo Addiction Treatment

Benzo addiction treatment begins with a medical detox with the following medications prescribed as needed:

  • Klonopin 
  • Ativan 
  • Xanax
  • Valium 
  • Ambien 

Once the individuals are stabilized, they will continue their addiction recovery journeys through outpatient programs or inpatient treatment programs. Such treatment programs offer counseling sessions and cognitive therapies

Numerous inpatient programs provide home-like amenities and suitable and comfortable environments. Therefore, patients can heal in a calming and comfortable environment. 

After clients learn the necessary tools needed to properly manage their addictions, aftercare programs can begin. The skills learned in this treatment method can be utilized and practiced outside of the facility. Aftercare programs typically include residents in sober living or regularly scheduled therapy sessions. 

Benzo Addiction Symptoms

The chemical changes that benzodiazepines can cause can also trigger dangerous difficulties when individuals attempt to become sober. There was an analysis in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology that suggested that almost a third of individuals who take benzos for longer than six months can experience the following symptoms: 

  • Hypersensitivity 
  • Muscle spasms
  • Insomnia 
  • Tensions

Without proper treatment, some symptoms can escalate into individuals experiencing full-body seizures. Inpatient programs generally provide monitoring during medical detox. This means that symptoms can be spotted and addressed before it has an opportunity to spread, escalate, or grow. The around-the-clock care is difficult for families to provide, but it is considered a standard treatment at a Benzo addiction treatment center for inpatient treatment options. Another sign of addiction is misusing the medication by taking it with alcohol or substances like opioids.

Inpatient Center for Benzo Addiction Treatment

The inpatient treatment programs are also able to provide qualified and trained staff to run counseling and coaching sessions. That is the work that can assist individuals in learning how to spot what their benzo use triggers are. Once benzo use trigger work is completed, patients will be able to return to their communities with the skills they will need to stay sober fully. 

Inpatient programs do not have to be impersonal and clinical. Many inpatient treatment programs provide comfortable home-like amenities and comfortable surroundings. Therefore, patients can heal in environments that protect and soothe. For some individuals, inpatient programs are considered the ideal place to overcome their addictions. 

Benzo Addiction Treatment Awaits at Live Free Recovery Today

It’s not simple for benzo addictions to disappear. The symptoms of benzo addiction treatment tend to grow more and more intense as long as they aren’t addressed extensively. For these reasons, it is pivotal for families to make sure that they take action when they see benzo abuse unfolding in individuals that they love. Contact us today to get started with benzo addiction treatment plan at our treatment facility.