Drug Rehab in New Hampshire

We will go over the process of finding a suitable facility, what to expect from the program, and how you can work out the financial details.

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A recent study found that a considerable number of the residents in New Hampshire are actively looking for rehab-related services.

If you’re one of those looking for drug rehab in New Hampshire, this guide will walk you through all the details. We’ll go over the process of finding a suitable facility, what to expect from the program, and how you can work out the financial details.

The Need for Drug Rehab in New Hampshire: Stats and Figures

It’s not uncommon for people to use search engines to look for recovery services near them, but just how in demand are rehab programs in New Hampshire?

Well, one study analyzed Google data and found that the state has the second-highest per capita rate of online searches for rehab-related queries, right after Indiana.

According to the reports, New Hampshire recorded an average of 362 rehab-related searches for every 100,000 residents.

At the same time, the state’s Drug Monitoring Initiative (DMI) finalized the overdose-related deaths from 2022 and found an 11.5% increase from 2021. Unfortunately, this means that New Hampshire just saw its third consecutive yearly increase.

While the crisis is heightening, it’s also apparent that many substance use disorder (SUD) patients are realizing the importance of getting professional help and peer support for their rehabilitation journey.

Before we move into the details, let’s go over one more stat.

There are 100+ SUD New Hampshire treatment facilities recorded on the SAMHSA locator, and you’ll find tips on locating and choosing a rehab program at the end of the post.

Stages of Drug Rehab: What to Expect

Rehabilitation might look a little different for everyone, but you can expect the program to go through the following four stages:

1. Initial Evaluation

After filling in your forms and arriving at the facility, you’ll need a professional evaluation. This step is vital to help personalize the treatment program to your needs.

The assessment usually covers substance use history, patterns, and frequency. However, the evaluator will probably also want to look at your overall health (mental and physical) to check if there are any additional conditions they need to accommodate for in the treatment program.

2. Detoxification

Detoxing your body without medical supervision is hard and can even be dangerous. That’s why the next step along the way is getting a medical team to help you deal with the withdrawals.

3. Rehabilitation

Since it might not be enough to just detox your body from drugs, the programs typically include a rehabilitation phase with different therapy strategies. The main goal here is to dig deep to find and understand the root of your addiction to make coping easier.

In this phase, you might try out cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which is a rather common approach. However, there are other therapeutic approaches as well, including:

  • Physical activity
  • Group therapy
  • Family counseling
  • Recreational therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Motivational enhancement therapy (MET)

You get therapy while you’re still living in the New Hampshire-based treatment facility itself or as part of an outpatient program. We’ll take a look at the differences between the outpatient and inpatient options in a minute.

4. Aftercare

One study examined the relapse rates of dual-diagnosis clients (those with both mental and substance use disorders) in the New Hampshire health system. The results show that a third of those who made it to full remission relapsed within the first year.

Relapse is always a risk in addiction recovery, but the study’s conclusions highlight the importance of developing recovery housing programs.

So, once you’re done with your detox and rehabilitation, you might want to consider staying at a sober living house for a month or so.

Note that Live Free Recovery has sober living facilities in Keene and Manchester. The on-site managers there can help you through the 12-step program until you’re ready to move out and get your life back on track.

It’s also worth noting that while the sober houses don’t discriminate against those on medication-assisted treatment (MATs), the staff can’t actually provide the MATs themselves.

All in all, it’s important to communicate your needs with the facility’s management to help you get the best care possible without breaking the house rules.

Keep in mind that aftercare programs can also include other therapeutic and supportive approaches, like counseling and group meetings.

Types of Drug Rehab Programs Available in New Hampshire

Now that we’ve covered the basic stages to expect in a drug rehab program, we can check out the common options and time commitment you’ll need for each one:

1. Residential or Inpatient Rehab

Signing up for a residential program is often the best course of action for those who need a high level of support during recovery. After all, this type of rehab offers round-the-clock care from qualified staff, which helps build a structured lifestyle.

That said, inpatient programs can be quite intensive and much less flexible than other rehab options. Plus, it’s often the most expensive route, especially if you need to go for a long-term stay.

2. Standard Outpatient Program (SOP)

For some patients, residing full-time in the treatment facility is less than ideal. In this case, SOPs can come in handy.

The gist of the SOP is that it balances normal life with the treatment schedule.

So, patients spend a short amount of time getting their weekly treatments and then head back to their homes (or sober living facility). This also means they can keep their current employment and life commitments.

3. Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

IOPs share the same flexible model as the SOPs, but they take the tip scale a bit towards the treatment by getting patients to commit more time to the sessions.

Usually, patients are expected to spend 3–4 hours daily (for several days per week) at the outpatient unit.

This setup is definitely not as flexible as the SOP that requires allocating only 1–2 hours on a couple of days each week for the treatment. However, it’s still not as much of a time commitment as the typical inpatient rehab program.

4. Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

Those who need more support than what the IOP can provide but can’t commit to a 24/7 inpatient program might consider a partial model.

In a PHP, the patients spend the good part of the day (5–8 hours) in the rehab facility attending treatments. Once the schedule is over, they can leave and head back home. This can go on daily or for 5 days per week.

Keep in mind that PHPs are not always a standalone rehab option. You could use it as a way to transition from inpatient care gradually to reduce your chances of relapse.

The Financial Aspect: Paying for Rehabilitation Services in New Hampshire

Cost is often a common concern for addicts and their families, and it can get in the way of rehabilitation.

In fact, the 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health shows some shocking insights. As it happens, 24.9% of the respondents who didn’t get SUD treatment despite needing it said that it was financial reasons that held them back from getting help.

While being able to commit to the treatment program is an even bigger challenge, it’s only fair to wonder about the costs and how you’ll be able to cover them.

So, let’s take a look at how affordable rehab is in New Hampshire and what kind of insurance will be accepted at the treatment centers.

Average Rehab Cost in the State

According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics (NCDAS), the average cost of residential rehab in New Hampshire is $58,777. Meanwhile, outpatient services hover around $1,855.

For reference, outpatient rehab in North Dakota averages $1,376 in North Dakota and $2,069 in Wyoming.

Wyoming doesn’t top the price estimate list for residential programs, but it’s a close second at $65,975 after the District of Columbia (at $66,538). The lowest estimate on the list, however, is Idaho, at an average of $42,195.

It’s important to note that these are only rough estimates, and the actual cost can vary from one facility to the other based on a number of reasons.

However, if we use these estimates to compare outpatient program affordability, we’ll find that New Hampshire is considered one of the more expensive states.

It also ranks at the 40th place when we sort the states from cheapest to most expensive in terms of residential drug rehab.

Your Rehab Payment and Insurance Options

So, how do you cover the costs of drug rehab?

There are state-run treatment programs and grants, but people might have to pay for rehab via private or public insurance in some cases.

Here at Live Free Recover, we accept insurance coverage from many providers, including:

You can always get in touch with our team if you’re not sure if your provider’s health insurance will be accepted at Live Free Recovery.

Finding Nearby Drug Rehab Facilities in New Hampshire

Depending on where you are in New Hampshire, your options might range from hospitals to SUD-focused centers.

Regardless, you’ll want to consider the facility’s location, the payment options, the luxury level, and the available service range. The quality of transitional care should also be a top priority while you’re on the search for a suitable rehab program.

One way to begin the search is to use SAMHSA’s service locator.

All you’ll need to do is type your New Hampshire location in the search bar and make sure you’ve selected the “Substance Use” facility type filter. Then you’ll see the options sorted from the nearest to the furthest.

Alternatively, if you’re around Keene or Manchester, you can check out our locations:

Final Thoughts

While more people are on the look for drug rehab services in New Hampshire, it’s still important to note that rehabilitation isn’t one-size-fits-all. Personalized care, supportive housing, and peer support can all go a long way in preventing relapses.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch and ask for more details about the available rehabilitation programs at our New Hampshire locations.

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