Ecstasy Addiction Treatment in New Hampshire

If you or a loved one is suffering from ecstasy addiction in New Hampshire, you’re not alone.

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Ecstasy is a synthetic drug that goes by many street names. The potent stimulant is commonly known for its euphoric effects, which is why it’s commonly used at parties and music festivals.

Unfortunately, many people underestimate the addictive potential of ecstasy, which can cause devastating effects on the body and mind.

If you or someone you love is struggling to break away from the cycle of ecstasy addiction, this guide will provide you with all the information and resources necessary to begin your journey to recovery.

This includes a brief overview of ecstasy and its mechanism of action in addition to various evidence-based approaches to treat this challenging substance use disorder.

What Is Ecstasy?

Ecstasy is a potent synthetic drug with both stimulant and psychedelic properties. It’s commonly known as MDMA, which is short for its chemical name 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine.

The drug also goes by various street names, including Molly, XTC, X, Lover’s Speed, and Hug Drug, which refers to its sexuality-promoting effects.

The drug is consumed in diverse forms, with tablets and gel capsules being the most popular ones. However, some people crush the tablets into powder or crystals to increase their effect.

The drug is classified as a Schedule I substance by the Drug Enforcement Administration. This means that it’s considered an illicit drug with an extremely high potential for abuse while not having any accepted medical uses.

Despite its illegal status, the euphoria-inducing effects of ecstasy make it one of the most popular party drugs, particularly among young adults.

However, ecstasy has a serious impact on health and can lead to life-threatening complications upon addiction.

How Does Ecstasy Work?

Ecstasy produces its psychoactive effects by hijacking the reward centers and flooding the brain with various neurotransmitters, which are natural chemicals produced by the brain.

However, when the concentration of neurotransmitters exceeds the natural threshold, they begin to exert euphoric and pleasurable effects, creating the characteristic “high” associated with MDMA use.

Ecstasy’s mechanism of action involves three primary neurotransmitters, including:

  • Norepinephrine: Plays a significant role in the arousal and alertness effect that MDMA causes. It also increases energy levels, especially when combined with Dopamine.
  • Dopamine: Heavily associated with the reward response” triggered by MDMA, and contributes to the serotonin’s euphoria sensation.
  • Serotonin: The primary “feel-good” chemical produced by the brain which causes the heightened sense of pleasure upon taking ecstasy.

How Ecstasy Abuse Develops

The first encounters with ecstasy often occur in high-energy social events like raves, parties, or by friends through peer pressure.

The appeal of ecstasy lies in its perceived effects, including euphoria, increased energy, and seeking emotional closeness.

However, repeated ecstasy use leads to tolerance, in which the initial dose becomes ineffective and higher doses are necessary to achieve the same effects.

This substance abuse arises as the brain adapts to the presence of MDMA and leads to dependence and addiction.

Is Ecstasy Addiction Common in New Hampshire?

According to the New Hampshire Drug Threat Assessment by the National Drug Intelligence Center, ecstasy is the most widely available and commonly abused drug in its drug category.

While data shows that MDMA addiction isn’t as fatal as other forms of drug abuse, such as heroin and fentanyl, it’s widely regarded as a gateway drug that leads to the consumption of more potent drugs.

This is especially true when ecstasy is rarely used alone, as it’s usually mixed with a variety of other stimulants, hallucinogens, and party drugs, such as LSD, ketamine, opioids, and cocaine.

Signs and Symptoms of Ecstasy Addiction

The use of ecstasy can cause a variety of physical and mental health side effects, and some of them can be life-threatening and leave an irreversible impact on your health.

For that reason, it’s critical to notice any signs of drug use and seek immediate professional help to avoid complications. Here’s a quick look at some of the main signs and symptoms of ecstasy

Physical Symptoms

  • Elevated body temperature and energy level
  • Increased sweating that leads to severe dehydration
  • Dilated pupils and changes in visual perception
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure that leads to chest tightness, pain, and potential cardiovascular complications.
  • Jaw clenching, teeth grinding, and muscle tension
  • Disruption of sleep pattern
  • Kidney damage
  • Liver damage, especially when combined with alcohol consumption
  • Impaired memory and judgment due to brain cell damage
  • Weakened immune system
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when ceasing drug use

Mental Effects

  • Mood swings
  • Impaired impulse control
  • Irritability and aggression
  • Anxiety, depression, and psychosis (in rare cases)
  • Feeling of isolation, especially as a long-term effect
  • Experiencing panic attacks

Behavioral Signs

  • Withdrawal from society
  • Change of social circles
  • Suspicious and secretive behavior

What Are Ecstasy Addiction Treatment Options?

Although amphetamine misuse is a challenging type of addiction, it has a fairly decent potential for recovery, which increases the sooner you start the treatment.

Luckily, there’s a wide range of treatment programs and techniques that can help with MDMA addiction. Here’s a quick look at them:

Medical Detoxification

The first step of ecstasy addiction treatment should always be medical detox. This step is usually done in a qualified treatment center that offers a rehab program and healthcare professionals to keep up with the patient.

As the name suggests, this is the step where ecstasy is fully eliminated from the body. However, this shouldn’t be don’t “cold turkey” because it can lead to dangerous withdrawal symptoms.

Instead, it’s done gradually through a process called “tapering” under the supervision of medical professionals. Doctors will typically prescribe some medications to help reduce cravings and discomfort associated with this phase.

The duration of detox can vary from weeks to months, depending on the extent of addiction and the individual’s response to treatment.

Medical detox can take a variety of forms, but most of them are classified under two main categories: inpatient and outpatient programs.

Inpatient Treatment

This one involves checking into a dedicated treatment facility to receive treatment, usually for the entire duration of the detoxification period.

This allows for 24/7 medical care and monitoring, which is especially important for individuals with severe addictions.

Other patients who suffer from a history of relapse or co-occurring medical conditions are also candidates for residential treatment because they need the extra medical attention provided in these facilities.

Some patients may remain within the facility throughout the treatment plan period, including the therapy phase, but it’s quite rare except for severe cases of polydrug use disorders.

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient detox offers a different approach. Instead of staying at a facility, individuals can choose to reside at home during the treatment period.

Patients would still attend their treatment program as usual in the facility. However, they would be able to return home at night.

This option offers much more flexibility than inpatient treatment. However, it’s only suitable for patients with low-risk and mild cases. It also requires a strong desire to recover and an excellent support network at home to work.

Individual Therapy

While detox is a crucial first step in getting clean, it’s rarely enough for a full recovery. This is because ecstasy addiction is usually a result of deeper issues like mental health struggles or unresolved traumas.

Attending individual therapy sessions allows individuals suffering from addiction to explore these underlying factors and gain the confidence and skills necessary to overcome them.

There are different approaches to individual therapy, but one of the most reliable is cognitive behavioral therapy, commonly known as “CBT”.

These sessions help patients identify situations that trigger cravings and develop healthier responses and thought patterns instead of reaching for ecstasy.

Other effective behavioral treatment methods include dialectical behavioral therapy or DBT, which focuses on emotional resolve and the ability to avoid cravings and triggers that lead to relapses.

Group Therapy

Addiction often leads to a deep sense of isolation, making it difficult to feel understood. Support groups and group counseling can become a powerful solution here, as they provide a safe space for individuals to share their stories and experiences without fear or judgment.

This shared vulnerability creates an opportunity for connection and develops a sense of community where individuals can encourage and support each other.

Halfway Homes

Halfway homes offer a gradual re-incorporation into society after the complete isolation of inpatient programs.

This allows individuals to slowly rebuild their lives and confidence to meet the challenges ahead. This includes:

  • Learning to manage triggers
  • Develop healthy coping mechanisms for independent living
  • Avoiding bad influence and maintaining a connection with new healthier ones

Final Thoughts: Finding Help in New Hampshire

The path towards recovery from ecstasy addiction can be different for everyone, as each individual has their own needs and circumstances that need to be addressed personally for a successful treatment.

For that reason, you should always look for a personalized treatment plan that is tailored to address those concerns.

If you or a loved one is suffering from ecstasy addiction in New Hampshire, you’re not alone. Live Free Recovery Services is ready to offer comprehensive and compassionate support through a team of qualified experts who understand the complexities of this challenging condition.

Published on: 2024-05-07
Updated on: 2024-08-17